We strongly recommend that you set your server up to run a backup at least once a day. To do this, follow the steps below:
1. Log into your control panel
2. Select your server
3. Select Scheduled tasks (left side of screen)
4. Select new task
5. Enter a name in the name box (eg backup)
6. In status box, leave it scheduled
7. Scheduled time (choose the time you would like this to happen)
8. Click the interval box
9. Select 1 day
10. Click command and select create backup
11. Click create
*Please note, this will only hold 1 backup file, so the oldest backup file will be overwritten every time this command is run. We would also recommend that you do a full backup of your server to save on your system in case there is ever an event that would cause the loss of the data, we would suggest you do this at least on a weekly or bi-weekly basis